what happens if you quit feeding raccoons

What Happens if you quit feeding Raccoons?-Detailed view

What happens if you quit feeding raccoons? Do they come back or behave unfamiliar? Do they starve if you quit feeding them? What are the consequences of feeding a raccoon? 

These are frequently asked questions about the feeding of raccoons, If you want to know the answers to your queries; congrats! You are on the right web page.

This article completely covers everything about feeding wild raccoons. In fact, you want to know the impacts of it, before feeding a wild raccoon. So let’s come to read it…

What happens if you quit feeding raccoons?

What happens if you quit feeding a raccoon? If you stop feeding raccoons they will not go hungry for a long time. Soon, they find out new sources of food which are suggested by nature for them.

So, there is no need to be concerned about their food, as they feed on various foods including plants and small animals. Similarly, they feed well on ripened fruits like apples, berries, peaches, and mulberries. The majority of raccoons also feed on dry fruits like seeds and grains.

In addition, small animals like frogs, squirrels, rabbits, rats, and even small alligators also make a big part of their food. Fortunately, raccoons are good swimmers. They stay for a long time in water and prey on fishes and small crustaceans.

What happens if you stop feeding raccoons? Detailed view:

  • When you quit feeding the raccoons; obviously, they have to go into their natural habitat which is appropriate for them. It means that you are allowing them to eat the food that is virtuous for them.
  • In starting, when you stop feeding them, they become aggressive and damage your property in search of food. Their such type of behavior can cause a problem for you; because they have become habituated to feeding on your behalf. 
  • Finally when they get surety that they won’t get enough food from your house and have become disappointed in search of food, meanwhile they will go somewhere else( like their natural food resources) in search of food because they don’t remain hungry for a long time otherwise, they will die of hunger.
  • They get better food from their natural food resources. They are omnivores as well carnivores .So there is not difficult to find food for them. In fact, they will get better food full of nutrients in the natural food resources.
  • Now, If you can deter ( discourage ) the visits of raccoons in your house. It will be good for you and your community. There is no more chance of fatal diseases like rabies.  
  • Nature sets its own rules and regulations to maintain a balance between the food resources and its consumers. If you stop feeding raccoons, they will go into the wild; thus, the wild is best for wild animals far from human communities.
  • On the whole, wildlife is suited well to the wild, not even human communities, So when you stop feeding to raccoons; it will be a good step for you as well as for raccoons. You remain safe from the unpredictable behavior of raccoons. 

👍 No more raccoons meant for no more threat.

Is it reasonable to provide food to a wild raccoon?

It’s a bitter truth that feeding wild animals is not well, because animals are after all animals, they don’t know the sensible way to live with humans. As we talk about raccoons; they are cute creatures of wildlife. People like to have friendly relations with them; play with them and feed them. It is not limited to just food; once you start to do regular food to them, they will come again and again. Their frequent arrival creates some issues which can bring you into trouble. Keep reading to find out.

What are the consequences to feed a wild raccoon?

There are some harms or losses to feeding raccoons as described below.

1. Bond of love:

First of all the noticeable thing is that, if you feed them they create a bond of love with you. Then they want to remain with you for a long time. Likewise, they will spend a lot of time with you, and they don’t make any effort to the for search food, because you are providing them with food.

2. Disturbance of their natural food: 

Raccoons are wild animals; when you start to feed them, their natural feeding mechanisms will be disturbed which is selected by nature. They may lose the important nutrients from their food; which they just get from their natural silage. Malnutrition causes weakness , fatigue, and low immunity.

3. Total Dependency on humans:

Keep in mind, when you are providing frequent food to them; they start to become dependent on you for their food requirements. Finally, they become totally dependent on you; which eliminates their concern for food.

4. “Raccoons call other raccoons”

Moreover, the raccoon whom you are feeding will also invite the other raccoons to your home or your food-providing place. Remember they are not alone, they have a whole community behind them. They inform the other raccoons about your food-providing place. So a lot of raccoons may approach  your house. Thus a great inconvenience may be created for you.

5. “A great threat in the form of rabies”

Raccoons are included in rabies vector species. “Rabies is a viral disease transmitted through a rabid animal’s bite”. It affects the central nervous system and may cause the death of its victim. So the Rabid raccoon is a great danger for you; your pets; and even all human beings around you. They also spread other viral, bacterial and fungal diseases.

6. Breeding

If you are providing raccoons with reasonable food; they must decide to produce their generation in that area. So they breed and increase their numbers. Their increased number is detrimental to you. Moreover, a great conflict creates for food among the members of the same species.

How to get rid of wild raccoons?

  • If some gaps or openings are present in your residence, repair or fill them completely. Besides, it blocks well all the entry or penetration of places
  • You may scare the raccoons by making noise from hitting the pots together; hanging them in bird feeders; and with a flashlight
  • You may discourage the raccoons from coming to your home by spraying the water mixed with red pepper or ammonia.
  • Make sure to close well the lids of garbage cans; a good step to stop the arrival of raccoons.
  • Feed your pets inside the house. It may also discourage the raccoons from their entry into your house
  • Consult with the pest control specialist because he has the better experience to remove the raccoons in a better way. 


What happens if you quit feeding raccoons?

If you quit (stop) feeding to raccoons, they become aggressive and may damage your property. But when they realize the fact that they will get no more food from your house; they will approach their natural food resources.

They will still survive because they feed on different kinds of food, fruits, and small animals. In fact, they get nutrient-rich food in their natural habitats; which is suggested by nature for them.

There are some negative consequences to feeding wild raccoons as described well in the article. So better is that to avoid feeding them. You may discourage the raccoons from coming to your house by applying the different methods as described in the article. Or the other way is to consult with a pest expert.


Why not feed to raccoons?

Keep in mind before feeding raccoons, they may create a lot of problems for you. They are rabies vector species. Besides it, they also spread bacterial diseases ( Salmonella), fungi, and other, parasitic diseases. Moreover, they increased their number in food-providing areas. Thus they cause disturbances and may also damage your property.

What diseases do raccoons carry?

The raccoons may carry various viral diseases, fungal diseases, and parasitic diseases.
1. Bacterial diseases: Salmonella and leptospirosis
2. Parasitic disease: Baylisascaris procyonis
3. Viral disease: zoonoses
4. Rabies; which affects the central nervous system.

Do raccoons eat cats?

Raccoons are both omnivores and carnivores. When raccoons fail to find another type of food, they might even prey on kittens and small cats. 

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