Do raccoons live in sewers?

Do Raccoons live in Sewers-A closer look

Do raccoons live in sewers? Why do they go into sewers? These are often asked questions about raccoon’s behavior.

Do you want to know these facts about raccoons? If yes! then You are on the right web page.

In this blog post, I will give the exact and correct answers about “do raccoons live in the sewers? And why do they do this”

Furthermore, the information you will find here is authentic and researched-based. So let’s come to read this article…

What is a sewer?

The sewer is a sizeable underground channel that carries away the waste material from houses and industries to a place where this waste material is treated and made harmless for both plants and organisms. The rain water also accumulate in the sewers.

Sewers contain gases like Hydrogen Sulfide (commonly called manure gas). This gas is very toxic even a small amount of this gas is enough to affect badly to plants and animals, sometimes causing the death of animals and occasionally humans.

Do raccoons live in sewers?

No, they usually do not live in sewers!

It is a common misconception that raccoons live in the sewers, but normally they don’t live in the sewers. It’s true, that raccoons can be seen around the sewers, now the question arises why? Lets me tell you ,that raccoons go down the sewers in search of food material. 

Why do raccoons go into sewers?

Here is a great explanation; Please have a look:

1. Sewers are the source of potential food for them. They also take up the scraps of food material floating in the openings of many sewers.

2. In addition, they go from one point to another point through the sewers and drains. In other words, they use it for transportation means.

3. Sometimes, they get stuck and forget the way to back.

The sewers contain harmful gases. The raccoon is better able to sense the presence of gases; so raccoons avoid to remains for a  long time in sewers.

Where do raccoons prefer to live?

In fact ,Raccoons are highly adaptable mammals and they are able to live in a wide range of habitats. The only requirement is the availability of food material, water, and, shelter. Raccoons are native to North America. The vegetated habitats around North America provide enough food material plus shelter places for the raccoons.

wild places:

 Mostly, raccoons prefer to live in woody areas near water bodies like rivers and lakes. The forests contain dense vegetation. The mystery of water is that it provides them with food material. In the wild, they make their den in hollow trees, Moreover, raccoons are forest dwellers and like to live in that area which provide them with dense vegetation.

  • Hence, They make their dens in hollow trees
  • Besides it, they make their dens in brush piles
  • They use the uninhibited burrows of other animals

Urban and suburban areas:

Surprisingly, raccoons are adaptable mammals, capable of living in different types of environments. The raccoons can live in urban and suburban areas as well as wild places. Even they can live in farms, parks, and houses. Certainly, they mark the backyard of houses as their territory.


No, they don’t live in sewers.

 Because, Sewers contain harmful gases like hydrogen sulfide. A small amount of these gases is enough to put death in any organism.

It is true that raccoons have been seen many times in and out of sewers. but they don’t remain for a long time in sewers.

Basically, they go into sewers in persisting of food scrapes. Besides this, they also use the sewers as a source of transportation. They go from one point to another point through sewers,

Sometimes, they get stuck in the sewer and storm drains, and forget the way to back.

Now the question arises, where do they prefer to live? Basically; raccoons live in woody areas, chimneys, attics, farms, and parks. To summarize; raccoons live in each place that provides them with good food, water, and shelter availability.


How do raccoons get in sewers?

They simply go into sewers through the opening of sewer drains.

Why do raccoons go in storm drains?

1. They go in drains; in the search of food scraps.
2. They use drains for transportation means.
3. Sometimes they stuck in drains and forget the way to back.

Can a raccoon hurt a human?

A healthy pet raccoon will never hurt a human.
However, there may be chances that wild raccoons will hurt you in the struggle for self-defense. So it’s better for you; that you don’t touch the wild raccoon.

Are raccoons friendly to humans?

Yes. raccoons are friendly to humans. In addition, raccoons as a pet have love relations with their owner.
However, some raccoons get frightened and run away, when they sense humans and be approached.
Hence, there is a big threat to raccoons’ friendship; they are rabies vector species; and one bite from a rabid raccoon is enough for the death of humans.

Is it OK to touch a raccoon?

Usually, it is not ok to touch a raccoon, because it may be rabid.
It is reported that the bite of raccoons is linked to many rabies cases in the United States. Rabies is a viral disease that is transmitted from the bite of a rabid (mad) animal. The virus of rabies affects the central nervous system of its victim and ultimately causes death.

Do raccoons get sick from sewer smell?

Yes! if they remain for a long time in sewers.
Sewers contain harmful gases like Hydrogen Sulfide and many other gases. These are very dangerous in a small amount for both plants and animals. A raccoon has the ability to sense sewer gases, so they do not remain for a long time in the sewers. Thus, they remain safe from the harm of sewer gases.

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