Do raccoons eat ducks?

Do Raccoons Eat Ducks?-Unravelling the mystery

Do Raccoons eat ducks? Why do raccoons eat ducks? How do they kill or hunt the ducks? What nutritional benefits do raccoons get from the meat of ducks? These are commonly asking questions about the eating behavior of raccoons regarding ducks.

Have you ever wondered if raccoons have a taste for ducks? This curious question has sparked debates among nature enthusiasts. In this blog post, I’ll delve into the fascinating world of raccoons and ducks to uncover the truth. 

Let’s separate fact from fiction and discover if raccoons prefer duck dinners.

Do Raccoons eat ducks?-Fact or myth

Absolutely, yes! 

Raccoons are serious predators of ducks because they are meat lovers. Amazingly, they are omnivorous and feast food among plants and animals. Duck meat is very delicious. So, if raccoons get access to ducks, they will never hesitate to eat them. Duck is nutrient-rich meat for raccoons. Basically, they are opportunistic eaters and eat a wide range of food including rabbits, squirrels, ducks, and even leftovers from trash cans. 

They mostly prefer to eat the injured, dead and baby ducks. Because, the injured or baby duck becomes helpless, allowing the raccoon to carry it away and consume it as prey. 

They usually eat things like fruits, nuts, insects, and eggs. While they might go after duck eggs or young ducklings if they find them, it’s not something they do very often.

Ducks- A brief intro-

Ducks are beautiful and delicate aquatic birds that evoke admiration and affection from many people, myself included. They are often kept as pets and cared for by humans. Unfortunately, ducks lack effective defense mechanisms against raccoons, which makes them highly vulnerable.

Both young and mature ducks face the threat of being targeted, and killed by raccoons, which pose a significant threat to their survival. If a raccoon manages to capture a duck it will certainly kill and eat the ducks.

Why do raccoons eat ducks?

Raccoons are omnivorous mammals. They eat both plant-derived and animal-based food. Only plants can’t fulfill their nutritional needs, so they have to eat meat from time to time to stay fit and healthy. 

In this aspect, meat is a basic need of their lives. They eat meat from different sources like squirrels, frogs, fish, ducks, and many more.

How do raccoons kill the ducks?

Most ducks are kept in homes, backyards, and farms. If raccoons are present somewhere in the surroundings of ducks, they can be a severe threat to ducks’ life. Raccoons are native to North America. So the ducks are not safe from the attack of raccoons that are present near the habitats of raccoons.

Raccoons are faster than ducks, so the duck is easily captured by raccoons. If a duck happens to survive an encounter with a raccoon, it is likely to sustain severe injuries. On occasion, raccoons may pull a bird’s head through the wires of an enclosure, consuming only the head while leaving the rest of the body behind.

Even the ducks are not safe in residential and farm settings. Despite being caged, raccoons can exploit wire spaces to hunt and harm ducks.

  • Raccoons have high IQ levels, they can find the solution to things quite easily. So, they logically hunt ducks and their young ones. They normally enter the cage, target the most vulnerable duck and capture it. Even the ducks are not safe in residential and farm settings. Despite being caged, raccoons can exploit wire spaces to hunt and harm ducks.
  • On the other hand, the ducks are vulnerable and don’t know how to fight with raccoons. Thus, raccoons take it as an opportunity and hunt the ducks. They use their dexterous paws and sharp teeth to tear the duck into small pieces. After killing, they enjoy eating the tasty meat of ducks to make their evening meal more beautiful. Mostly, they prefer to eat the abdominal part of the duck, they leave the rest of it; if their hunger is satisfied.

Is duck the first choice of food for raccoons?

Probably not!

They are omnivorous and eat well on the ducks. If ducks are easily available to them, they will certainly eat the delicious meat of ducks by killing them. However, raccoons are lazy in hunting their prey and prefer to eat easy food even from trash cans.

Will raccoons eat duck eggs?

Certainly! Raccoons are indeed known to consume duck eggs whenever they can gain access to the nests or locate the eggs. These curious creatures have a reputation for stealing eggs from ducks and other avian species. Raccoons are adept climbers and can ascend trees to reach nests, taking advantage of situations where mother birds are absent and unable to protect their precious eggs.

What nutrients are present in duck meat?

Duck meat is a good source of protein, vitamins (such as B vitamins), minerals (like iron, zinc, selenium, and phosphorus), healthy fats (including omega-3 fatty acids), and other important nutrients like choline. These nutrients support various aspects of health, including muscle development, energy production, immune function, and brain health.

Role of nutrients in the body of raccoons- benefits

The nutrients present in duck meat play an important role for raccoons. Here’s a brief explanation of their significance:

Protein: Protein plays a crucial role for raccoons as it supports the development of muscles, facilitates tissue repair, and contributes to overall growth.

Vitamins: Duck meat contains B vitamins that support raccoons in various ways, including enhancing energy metabolism, promoting healthy nerve function, and maintaining a nourished coat and skin.

Minerals: Minerals like iron, zinc, selenium, and phosphorus are essential for various physiological processes in raccoons, including the formation of red blood cells, immune function, antioxidant defense, and bone health.

Fatty Acids: Duck meat’s inclusion of beneficial fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, can play a pivotal role in supporting raccoons’ overall well-being. These healthy fats aid in maintaining cardiovascular health, reducing inflammation, and promoting optimal brain function.

Other Nutrients: Additional nutrients like choline help to regulate brain health and liver function. At the same time, trace minerals such as copper and manganese are used in enzyme activity and overall antioxidant defense in raccoons.

These nutrients derived from duck meat help raccoons maintain their proper growth and overall well-being.

How I can protect my ducks from the attack of raccoons:

Secure the Duck Enclosure: Using robust fencing, you should construct a sturdy enclosure for ducks. Particularly bury the bottom portion several inches below the ground. Additionally, ensure to make a sufficient height of fencing, so that raccoons cannot get access to the ducks in any way.

Reinforce the Shelter: You should reinforce the coop or shelter with sturdy material like mesh wire or hardware cloth. Ensure that gaps or holes are not left.

Install Predator-Proof Locks: Make sure to use locks that prevent the raccoon’s entry into the coops. The lock should be designed in such a way that it requires human-like movements to open it.

Eliminate Food Sources: Raccoons are attracted to your property if your house offers food material to the raccoons. So, secure trash cans with tight-fitting lids. Don’t feed your pets outside your house. Ensure to remove all the food scraps that invite the raccoons to your property.

Monitor the Area: Regularly inspect the duck enclosure and its surroundings for signs of raccoon activity, such as footprints or poop droppings. If you notice any breaches, reinforce weak spots immediately. Prompt monitoring helps identify potential threats and allows for timely intervention.

I hope you can significantly enhance the protection of your ducks against raccoon attacks by following these important steps.


The answer to “ Do raccoons eat ducks” is yes. They are omnivorous, so they eat well on ducks. Additionally, raccoons can eat duck eggs and even eggs from other birds.

The meat of ducks is highly nutritious for raccoons, offering valuable nutrients that can regulate their metabolic activities and provide an energy boost.

Raccoons can easily hunt ducks because ducks are delicate and vulnerable. They don’t know how to protect themselves against the raccoons’ attacks.


Do raccoons opportunistically hunt the ducks?

Yes, raccoons opportunistically hunt the ducks and their ducklings. It’s a bitter reality of a raccoon’s life that they always prefer to eat the easily available food. They don’t waste their energy to hunt their prey actively. 

Will a raccoon attack a duck?

Absolutely, yes! If raccoons have easy access to ducks, they will certainly kill and eat the duck and ducklings. Moreover, they can also feed on the eggs of ducks. 

Do raccoons kill chickens?

Raccoons are omnivorous. It means they eat both plants and animals. So, if they have easy access to chickens, they will kill and eat them.

Do raccoons like duck eggs?

Absolutely yes!  They enjoy eating duck eggs, the eggs of all avian species in the wildlife. They tear the eggshells with dexterous paws and consume the internal content of the egg.

Are Ducks the first choice of food for raccoons?

Probably not! Ducks are not the first choice of food for them. In truth, they hunt the ducks if they opportunistically get a chance to eat them.

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