Do raccoons drink water?

Do Raccoons drink Water?-Survival strategy!

Do raccoons drink water? Why do raccoons drink water? How much do they need daily? What are water resources for raccoons? What benefits do they get from drinking water? These are commonly asked questions related to raccoons drinking water.

In this blog post, I will delve into the world of raccoons and discover whether raccoons drink water or not. Here you will find, exact, accurate, and up-to-date information regarding raccoons drinking water. So let’s come to read.

What are raccoons? A brief intro!

Before we delve into the question at hand, let’s take a moment to understand raccoons better. Raccoons (Procyon lotor) are small to medium-sized mammals that are native to North America. The raccoons have distinctive black mask-like markings around their eyes and ringed tails. In truth, they’ve earned a reputation for their cunning behavior and adaptability to various environments.

To better comprehend raccoons’ hydration habits, it’s essential to grasp their dietary preferences. These omnivorous creatures have a varied palate that includes insects, fruits, nuts, small animals, and even human-made foods when they get a chance. 

Do raccoons drink water?-Survival strategy!

Now, let’s address the big question: Do raccoons drink water? The answer is a resounding yes! They drink water to quench their thirst. Just like any other living creature, raccoons require water to survive. Water is the essence of life. And no doubt, it plays a critical role in maintaining bodily functions. Similarly, it helps in facilitating digestion, regulating body temperature, and transporting essential nutrients.

How much water do raccoons need on daily basis?

Raccoons have a strong fondness for water and require quite a bit of it. They can take in as much as 930 ml of water each day through drinking, moistening their food, and consuming aquatic creatures like fish and mollusks. While they’re capable of swimming in shallow waters, they tend to be cautious around deeper waters where they can’t see the bottom. This is why they are attracted to human pools. 

Need of water for raccoons-importance of hydration!

Raccoons need water for several essential physiological functions to maintain their health and well-being. Here are some reasons why raccoons require drinking water:

1. Hydration:

Raccoons require water to stay hydrated. in truth, hydration is crucial for maintaining bodily functions, including circulation, digestion, and temperature regulation. Adequate hydration helps to prevent a range of health issues.

2. Metabolism:

Water is essential for various metabolic processes within raccoon bodies. It helps in the breakdown of nutrients coming from their food. In addition, it facilitates the transport of these nutrients to all cells for energy production.

3. Temperature Regulation:

Raccoons need water to regulate their body temperature. Thus, they may pant or sweat through their paws to release excess heat, and water is essential for these cooling mechanisms.

4. Digestion:

Raccoons have a varied diet that includes both plant matter and animal prey. Water is necessary for proper digestion. Thus, it helps soften and break down food in their stomachs, making it easier for their bodies to extract nutrients.

5. Grooming:

Interestingly, raccoons are known for their meticulous grooming habits. They use their paws to clean their fur, remove debris, and maintain good hygiene. Water plays a vital role in this grooming process by allowing raccoons to wet their paws and rub their fur to clean themselves effectively.

What are water resources for raccoons?

They are adaptable creatures that can find water in different environments. Some common water resources for raccoons include

Natural bodies of water: Raccoons often use rivers, streams, ponds, lakes, and marshes as water sources. These bodies of water provide a natural and reliable supply of water.

Rainwater: Raccoons can collect rainwater from various surfaces, such as leaves, roofs, and puddles. This provides a convenient and readily available water source, especially during rainy seasons.

Puddles: After rainfall or near areas with poor drainage, puddles can form, providing raccoons with a quick and accessible water source.

Man-made water sources: Raccoons may utilize man-made water sources like bird baths, pet water bowls, garden ponds, and fountains. These sources can be found in urban and suburban areas.

Human infrastructure: Raccoons are intelligent and can adapt to urban environments. They might use water sources such as gutters, drainage systems, and even leaky pipes to find water.

Food with water content: Raccoons can obtain moisture from the food they consume, especially fruits, vegetables, and insects with high water content.

Dew Drops: In the early mornings, raccoons might lap up dew that has settled on leaves and grass. It’s like nature’s way of offering a morning beverage to start the day.

It’s important to note that the availability of water resources for raccoons can vary based on the local environment and climate conditions. 

Do Raccoons Drink Water from Man-Made Sources?

Now, here’s an interesting twist. Raccoons have shown an incredible knack for utilizing human-made resources for hydration:

Bird Baths and Pools: Raccoons are known to visit bird baths and even small pools in backyards to grab a quick drink. It’s a bit like a raccoon pool party, with the main attraction being the refreshing water.

Outdoor Pet Water Bowls: If you have outdoor pets, you might have noticed that raccoons aren’t shy about sharing their water bowls. It’s like they’ve RSVP’d to the hydration station!

Gutters and Drainpipes: These clever critters have been observed using gutters and drainpipes as water channels. It’s almost as if they’ve become plumbing experts!


So, do raccoons drink water? Absolutely! They drink approximately 930 ml of water per day. Additionally, they get a lot of benefits from water. They quench their thirst. Moreover, water is necessary to run their Metabolic activities.

These intriguing creatures have evolved to be masters of adaptation, utilizing a range of water sources – both natural and human-made – to meet their hydration needs. From sipping from rain puddles to sharing pet water bowls, raccoons have proven their resourcefulness time and time again. 

FAQs about “Do raccoons drink water”

Do raccoons drink pool water?

Yes, raccoons might drink from pools sometimes. But pool water isn’t good for them because it has chemicals. It’s better to give them clean water to keep them healthy.

Can raccoons drink salt water?

Raccoons shouldn’t drink saltwater because it can make them even more thirsty and sick. They prefer freshwater sources and are better off not drinking water from the ocean or salty places.

Do rabid raccoons drink water?

Yes, even rabid raccoons might drink water. Rabies affects their behavior, but they could still drink if they find water. If you see a sick raccoon, it’s best to stay away and tell animal control.

Do baby raccoons drink water?

Yes, baby raccoons drink water too. It helps them grow and stay healthy, just like how adults do.

How to prevent raccoons from drinking pool water?

1. Cover the pool when not in use.
2. Use motion-activated lights and sprinklers.
3. Secure trash cans and remove food sources.
4. Trim overhanging branches.
5. Place deterrents like objects or foil.
6. Set up alternative water sources away from the pool.

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